
New BMI Index Racially Discriminates

In a shock medical report public health advisers to the UK Government, have set a new, lower obesity measure threshold for British Asians, which some claim smacks of “racism”.

Written by Chris White

The new measure threshold comes as Britain’s National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (‘NICE’), issues new professional guidelines warning Britain’s non-White ethnic communities, to be especially careful with their weight, because of a higher likelihood of diseases such as diabetes.

The NICE guidelines for Asians now match those of India and of the World Health Organization or ‘WHO’.

The new British Body Mass Index or ‘BMI’ for Asians means that a 5ft 11in Asian man should now weigh below 11st 11lb (75kg), whereas a 5ft 3in woman should weigh less than 9st 4lb (59kg).

Until the new guidelines were brought in this year, experts had said that all UK adults should aim for a BMI score of no more than 25, but now the new guidelines suggest that non-White ethnic minorities should be aiming for a BMI score of no more than 23, because of the higher likelihood of certain fat related diseases among non-Whites.

Commenting on the new guidelines Dr. Rachel Pryke of the Royal College of General Practitioners said: “These are helpful guidelines that bring home the importance of tailoring guidelines to individuals, for example, we know that some ethnic groups are susceptible to different health risks.”

The new guidelines have stirred up controversy with some who claim that NICE can now be sued under British anti-discrimination laws.

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